Quick Tips On How To Design A Website
|Designing a website is not as difficult as most people think because nowadays some non profit organization are even thriving to make sure the web is open to people to create and use like the Mozilla project. While most people get involve in it for profit like building a website for a company, organization and even creating a blog for post personal and other content for people to read.
Here is How to Design A Website
- Get some little training on web technology from site like Codecademy or W3Schools.
Remember: You will need coding skills to modify if the need arises.
- Choose or ask your client the name he/she prefer to use as domain name.
- Visit any good web hosting site like GoDaddy search to see if your choosing domain name is available.
- Proceed to make payment for domain and hosting.
- You will receive a mail containing your Control Panel login detail.
- Using the detail login in to your Cpanel and install any web application software that suites your site.
You’re good to go, but don’t forget to hit the help button if you need assistance.