2019 Most Influential Women In The World – Top 10
There are numerous incredible people worthy of celebration on INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY. Historically, women have continued to change the world positively with their passion, determination, strength, and resistance to make the world a better place for generations yet to be born. Significantly, this provides a better opportunity to acknowledge the existence and accomplishments of some great women the world has got and also, the idols to look up to.
In this article, we have compelled a list of some great icons who have made credible impacts in the world from different countries.
10. Emmeline Pankhurst
Notably, Emmeline Pankhurst is the first to pave the way to the voting of the booth for women in the United Kingdom (UK), founder of the women social and political Union whose members whose followers embarked on a protest and hunger strike to fight for their right to vote. Making great strides for women all over the UK.
9. Malala Yousafzai
This lady became an icon for fighting for the right of the girl child which made her the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner recorded. Her life was at risk at the age of 15 -attempted assassination by the Taliban for requesting education for herself and other girls. To add to the list of great accomplishments are advocating for the female gender, making speeches for the United nations and publishing a book.
8. Winona LaDuke
Founder of the white earth land recovery project in the year 1989, which has returned over 1400 acres of land successfully is another great icon named Winona LaDuke. Aided the NoDAPL Protest and also, she is the owner and presiding founder of the Indigenous Women’s Network whose sole purpose is to empower Native American women.
7. Beyonce Knowles
You all will be surprised to see her on this list, well she made it on the 7th spot due to her advocate for women- one of which was her performance in the 2014 VMA. Also known for her mark of social activism on stage and off stage, an iconic visual album called ‘’Lemonade’’ and speeches against brutality by police.
6. Rosa Parks
Historically, this icon Rosa Parks will be always recalled for refusing to give up her seat on a racially separated bus. She is also a winner of numerous awards such as Martin Luther King Jr. Award and the NAACP’s highest honor. Her refusal also leads to the Montgomery Bus Boycott after which was a success, helped in ending the separation in public spaces. She also required to educate the nation’s youth about civil rights.
5. Huda Shaarawi
Fondly regarded as the founder of the women’s movement in Egypt and often recalled for removing her face veil in act of protest at a Cairo train station is Huda Shaarawi. She played a huge role in Egypt’s independence from Britain and is also the founder of the Wafdist Women’s Central Committee.
4. Maria Mutola
She is the founder of Ludres Mutola Foundation which inspires children to chase sports and education. Also, on track, she was a three (3) times world winner and one (1) time Olympic champion in the 800 meters running event. Maria has aided the creation of immunization campaigns and housing initiatives.
3. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
She is the first ever female to be a president in Africa – former president of Liberia. In the year 2011, she won a Nobel Peace Prize for her political carriage which was pro-women and anti-corruption also she won the Ibrahim Prize for her Accomplishment in African Leadership in the year 2017.
2. Queen Nzinga Mbande
She reigned over the Ndongo and Matamba kingdoms currently known as Angola with kindness and strength. Her kingdom came into conflict with Portuguese colonizers and other kingdoms but remained as a sanctuary for runaway slaves and African soldiers trained by the Portuguese.
1. Wangari Maathai
She is a Kenyan woman who fought significantly to improve the economy and social status of the Kenyan women in the rural area by uniting women’s environmentalism and right. She irradiated the linking between environmental reconciliation, power, and poverty and empowered the women with tools to fight them.
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