Values to be impacted into the children
|As a parent, what value have you imparted into your children
when they are growing up. There are many important things that need to be
imparted into a growing child. Ranging from good behavioral act to educational
and marital status.
Most parents when with their friend’s boast of how they want
their son/daughter to become a doctor, an engineer, etc. but they don’t work
towards keeping that value in their children’s life to study hard for their
future. While in some cases most parents would like their children to be
respectful, kind and honest to people while growing up, however, these
attributes don’t always come naturally so parents are expected to be able to
inculcate good values in the lives of their children from a young age.
What are the important values to impact the lives of
Parents ought to teach their children the act of giving. And
to also think about the need of others, it’s very important for a child to know
how to share their toys, food and other things with kids their age.
Children need to imbibe the act of being respectful in the home,
church, school and the society at large. It is said that charity begins at
home, when you as a parent don’t make your child have that knowledge of being
respectful to you in your home, how do you expect him/her to act outside the
confines of your home. “spare the rod and spoil the child” this doesn’t necessary
mean to beat the child but making them own up to their mistakes at the right
time. They tend to be worried about the consequences of their misbehaviors and
taking responsibility.
As parents, you know that a dishonest lifestyle only makes a
person look bad. Also, a person that doesn’t have a love for one another is just a
walking shadow. In order to impact this value to them, you must show and give
all your children equal love. Teach them to be truthful to you and amongst
Parents should teach their children to always strive and
word hard for what they want to become. They should never be afraid of failing
because only then can they know where their strength lies, they shouldn’t relent
in what they have passion for.
Parents should imbibe the knowledge of being confident in their
children. A lot of children don’t really know how to stand up and talk about their
family, school or whatever it is they like and that’s because they have no
confidence in themselves. They don’t believe they can do what most kid their
age is doing, so we indulge the parents to imbibe these values in their children’s
lives but they need to set an example with themselves as your children will
always look up to you.