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Jim Iyke’s Reality TV Show for $10,000 about to KickOff

One of Nigerian leading actor, Jim Iyke is on the move to start a new reality TV show titled The Adventurer. According he it will attempt to address two major issues that affect the Nigerian youth – the question of unity and oneness at home, and the issues of xenophobia in South Africa. And make sure that everyone’s opinions are heard as well as proffer best solutions.

The actor, who made his reality TV debut in 2013 with Jim Iyke Unscripted, hopes that by the end of “The Adventurer,” the competitors will emerge as better persons – a narrative he hopes would stretch to their immediate family, space, and consequently, the nation as a whole.

Take home price for the winner of The Adventurer is set for $10,000 while every other participant is guaranteed N300,000 each for getting to the final stage of the show.

Location the show will cover includes Cape Town, Dubai, Marrakech, Sydney, and Los Angeles amongst many others.

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