10 Transparent Animals you never knew about
We are on a planet where we don’t know about a lot of things, there are things on this planet we don’t know even exist. We feel ignorant of many things and do not care to know what is happening.
Today I’m going to show you 10 animals that will make you wonder. 10 Transparent animals you may have not seen or even know they exist on this planet. You may have to look closer because some of these animals are invisible to the eyes. Scientists have done some research even gone deep in the ocean to find these animals. They are protected or protect themselves with teeth, speed, toxins and small size of their nature, although not all. Let’s get down to the 10 Transparent animals as we start from the number 10.
10. Juvenile Sharpear Enope Squid
This animal is one the rare kind of all the transparent animals. It is not that easy to spot because it is found throughout the tropical and subtropical oceans, often at the death of between 200 – 1000 metres. Its transparent body is covered with polka dots of pigment-filled cells.
9. Transparent Juvenile Surgeonfish
I know many people are not fans of cartoons but I know most of you must have watched the cartoon call “Finding Nemo”, those who have watched that cartoon will know “Dory” who was with Nemo when he was lost. This Fish is of the same species as Dory. They are known to grow up to 30cm which is of 12 inches long. They are a very popular aquarium fish. They are mostly spotted in the wide waters of New Zealand.
8. Tortoise Shell Beetle
Many of you know about the Lady beetle which is covered with red and black spots on its body. Well this is another kind of Beetle. It’s called the Tortoise Shell Beetle. Although the Tortoise Shell beetle is not completely transparent, some of its carapace is invisible, the Tortoise Shell Beetle comes in many varieties. The transparent shell on its back is to fool predators.
7. Macropinna Microstoma
Looking at this animal you will think it has a face of a human being, well that’s a little bit true. The Macropinma Microstoma belongs to the Opisthoproctidae, the Barreleye Family. This specie of fish has been known to science since 1939. The head is a transparent dome which you can be able to see the lenses of its eyes. But this fish has not been known to be photographed alive until 2004.
6. European Eel
This is what we call transparent. This Eel is too transparent that you a can see through its body. You won’t be able to see it’s organs, the only thing you will be able to see it a straight black dotted spot from its head to its tail. This Eel changes color throughout its lifetime and after 5 – 20 years in fresh or blackish water, the Eel becomes sexually mature and eyes grow larger.
5. A Juvenile Octopus
This animal is hardly seen, it goes in the deep in the ocean and hides in plain sight. This animal is just 2cm wide and its body is so transparent that you can see through its body and see the organs in it. The yellow spots on this animal changes color to fool potential predators.
4. Cyanogaster
As you can see the picture above this fish has head is not transparent but you can see right through its body and with it bones showing as if it does not have a body, a head and some bones. This fish is only few millimeters long. It was only discovered few years ago. This fish can only be spotted in the Amazon River and mainly at night.
3. Warty Comb Jelly or Sea Walnut
This animals is very self-protective and with its jelly looking body that is transparent and spotted mostly at night and it displays its rainbow color cell when it is disturbed or feels there is danger around.
2. Glass Octopus
This Octopus is not that easy to come across. Scientists has done a lot of research on this animal and a lot of studies. These Octopus are found the deep open tropical and subtropical waters and it is rarely captured because of how it always play safe and always want to stay out of plain sight from any predators in the ocean.
1. Glass Frog
This amazing frog is not that transparent but the body of the frog is very transparent especially the belly of the frog as you can see in the picture above. You can see all the organs in the frog’s body. These frogs are tiny, which is of 2 – 8 centimeters. They are hard to see and if you do not come close you won’t be able to see it.
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